In the last article, we shared the unfortunate news that a new strain of norovirus is causing this illness to be on the rise across the nation. Five years after the Covid-19 pandemic, this news likely causes many of us to feel a bit on edge. Should we cancel that meeting? Stop planning office get-togethers? Space out chairs in the lobby? Ban shared snacks in the break room?
Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a minute to regroup: We are older and so much wiser than we were in January of 2020. If you recall, one of the disinfecting services that Sonlight Cleaning was offering at that time was electrostatic-disinfecting and we had to spend a lot of time explaining this new technology… now even elementary-aged children can point out the electrostatic-disinfecting machine in their cafeteria! This “novel” technology back then is run-of-the-mill now. We’re smarter. We’re prepared. And if you have Sonlight Cleaning Services on your side, you have the advantage of more than 30 years of industry-leading knowledge that has seen us through more than one “hiccup” in our collective community wellness.
But this brings us back to the question on everyone’s mind… what about snacks? Here is how Sonlight Cleaning Services would take proactive steps to keep your office break room ready for the 3 o’clock snack attack:
- Daily disinfecting – After-hours disinfecting is effective against norovirus. We provide this service after hours because disinfectants require dwell time (i.e. you don’t want people to be touching wet surfaces while the disinfectant does its job).
- Frequent cleaning and sanitizing – A day porter service ensures that high-touch surfaces (like that break room microwave) don’t become the epicenter of epidemic in your office suite. Our day porters sweep areas with high foot traffic, sanitize high-touch surfaces (like reception areas, door handles, light switches, elevator buttons, and the microwave button in the break room), freshen up and restock restrooms, and all other tasks related to helping your facility look first-impression ready throughout the workday.
- Switch to individually packaged snacks – Yes, a little humorous, but it’s not a bad idea 😉
If you’re a facility in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex with a facility over 20,000 square feet, give the client care specialists at Sonlight Cleaning Services a call today. We offer custom-tailored cleaning schedules based on your facility size and use.
Laura Pulliam